Official Statement

June 4, 2024
PHOENIX — In secret, and, without public input, MAGA Republicans (inspired by convicted felon Donald Trump) passed House Concurrent Resolution 2060 (HCR 2060), also known as SB1070 2.0. This now heads to voters in November, and one thing is clear: Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) will continue fighting HCR 2060 and Republican extremism on all fronts.
LUCHA will soon file suit challenging HCR 2060. The lawsuit will argue that HCR 2060 would violate the single subject rule, passed by Republicans. Therefore, making the bill unconstitutional.
Arizona is not going back. While Republicans are stuck in the 1800s, Arizona has since moved on from the extremism and hate that is HCR 2060.
For months, civil rights organizations, faith and business leaders, and communities have stood up and demanded Republicans abandon HCR 2060, as it represents what is contrary to Arizona values. Communities have opposed this bill from the very start and still, Arizona Republicans ignored their constituents.
But this absolute betrayal of trust, cannot be ignored. LUCHA will take the fight to the ballot box in November, knocking on 1 million doors to defeat the architects of HCR 2060, and MAGA Republicans.
“Make no mistake as long as Arizona Republicans have the power to push their hate agenda, they will never stop trying to turn Arizona into a personal playground for Donald Trump’s policies.” Said Alejandra Gomez, Executive Director of LUCHA. “Republicans can try and ignore us all they want, but on election day they will hear us, they will see us. We will build off our electoral success from 2020 and 2022, denying hate another term. Arizona voters have a chance to ensure our state does not become a sanctuary for hatred and bigots.”