Terán’s Likely win in November will Make her the First Latina Elected to Congress out of Arizona.

PHOENIX - In a historic effort, Victory PAC has spent over $600K dollars on canvassing efforts and over $500K in ad buys to elect Raquel Terán in Congressional District 3. Our Canvassers have knocked on nearly 90,000doors since March in support of Raquel's campaign. In total LUCHA’s Victory PAC has spent north of 1 million dollars.
From grassroots organizer to state senator, Raquel has championed higher wages, led the fight against Arizona’s abortion ban and defended our democracy against extremists.
“Since March, our team of canvassers have worked tirelessly knocking on doors in CD3 for Raquel,” said LUCHA State Director Liz Luna. “We spoke to voters every day of the week about the issues that matter most to them, and campaigned for the candidate we know is a champion for her community and progressive values. We can proudly say over 90,000 homes across the district will have been visited by LUCHA canvassers with the historic contribution made to support these efforts. The work doesn’t stop here, it will continue through November, when we defeat Trump, and elect Raquel Terán to Congress.”